Design Process / Assignment 2


Students will remember from last year that we created a magazine cover. Students looked at different aspects of what makes a good magazine cover and what involves a magazine cover.

Students will revisit the tutorial to recap workspace, tools and properties bar to help remember their way around the software.

Hopefully this will help students to create links between programs.

Remember we looked at -

"Lets look at a magazine cover"

Popular magazine covers use specific visual techniques to attract attention and give prominence to different stories.

Designers use strategies such as: different font types and sizes—

for example futuristic, classic or high-tech fonts varieties of colour—dark or bold colours are often aimed at males, while bright and pastel colours are often aimed at females high level emotive words—such as ‘mega’, ‘damn’ and ‘ahhhhh’ photographs of ‘ideal’ people or sometimes celebrities—a celebrity looking at the reader attracts attention; their pose and body language, as well as the camera angle and size of the shot, can suggest a relationship with the reader layout of cover—main story headings often use the largest font size; feature items are usually at the top of the cover; graphics and icons are used to highlight key stories.

Design Technology Students will Design a product that will captivate its audience. A product that it will be hard to refuse.

· What is our product?

· We have to know our customers

(Targeted audience)

· Who are we selling too?

· What are the barriers that hold us back in achieving our sale?

· Where are the opportunities?

What is the product?

· Magazine, movie, T-shirt or a combination of products.

· Magazine Plus free T-shirt

· Magazine Plus free movie

· Colouring book for primary students

· School Magazine

Where are the opportunities, who are we selling too? We need to know our customers.

Design Process / Assignment 2

Students will get together to decide a name for their product and designate a design team to co-ordinate an end product that will cater for the targeted audience and market the product to satisfy the customer.

To market to an audience students are taught to look at the four basic human needs: Significance, Satisfaction, Service and problem Solving.

Customer orientation and satisfaction of customer needs. We need to pride ourselves to provide a great product that will satisfy the needs of the customer - In this case selling a simple magazine at cost value.

What does this mean?

  • Looking at our audience within our school environment teacher and parents involved.

  • Selling to K - 12 or do we need to have a niche market?

  • Do we have a product that will be of interest to our clients

  • What will attract our customers to buy this product?

  • Will this product be cost affective?

What will stop us from selling this product?

  • Poor content

  • Poor design work (cheap looking mag)

  • Pricing

  • No advertising

  • Technical problems

  • No sales.

· High school students

· Primary students

· Teachers may be

· Outsiders?

What are the barriers that stop us?

· Planning – (If we don’t plan well then things won’t go well.)

· Time – knowing our deadline

· Non participation - of lazy workers

· Exams within that time frame or other events that we didn’t consider.

· Printing

Learning the Software Program Corel Draw

- Understanding what you can do and what you can not do in Corel Draw program.

- Learning the tools

- Learning to manipulate objects

Understanding the Brief and identifying the need

- Specifications

- Limitations, cost, time/ materials

- Functions

- Aesthetics

Choosing a preferred idea collecting data information

- Collecting and gathering research

- Sifting and Finding inspiration

Exploring ideas

- Showing a selective process of working drawings

- Showing a process of collective ideas with annotated notes

Managing the design project

- Student managing their time

- Managing materials and cost

Producing and end product

Meeting the deadline and client satisfaction!

Evaluating the end product

- Student conclusion and teachers response