Year 8 Class Activities Term 2

Theorize it...then print it.

Unit: Prep 4 Exams / Printing unit


  1. How do we look at art in general?

  2. How do we question it?

  3. How do we tell others about it?

  4. And, how do we write about it?

The printing unit crosses over into Term 3 but understanding the theory that goes with this. Students will print with lino blocks onto paper and experiment with colour, shape, contrast, repetition and unity through abstraction.

Outcomes: Frames / Conceptual Framework / Practices 4.1 - 4.10

20 Periods / 10-Weeks (approx)

What to study?

Its that time of the year!

The aim of this examination, whether they have or have not studied particular artists throughout the year, is for students use their critical mind. They will show an ability to formulate their own ideas, finding their own opinions through their interpretive writings.

As I have mentioned in my introduction, the ideas of the individual artist are important because interpretations of an artist's work may be overly critically evaluated by others. We will teach students to evaluate and consider other world views and historical events, sifting through information on the internet and in theoretical art books.

This will allow and encourage students to:

    • write in a concise and a well reasoned way

    • present an informed point of view

    • use plates and other sources and materials to provide the best answers

Example Pg | 0 2011

Week 1 | 2 Periods

Critical / Historical Study

Students going through the introduction to an exam

Importantly a rubric - What is a rubric?

It is the set of outcomes set for the direction of the exam paper - in this case 4.1 - 4.3

Page 1

Section 1 Question 1a

Write on a separate paper:

8 marks

Define the meanings of the frameworks.

    1. How does the Subjective Frame affect artworks in general?

    2. Explain the Structural Framework and how does it affect artworks in general?

    3. Explain the Cultural Framework within artworks in general

    4. Explain the Postmodern Framework

The students have been taught through worksheets the understanding of how the "frameworks" affects the artworks.

Students research the phases and there understandings the questions and the answers using the worksheets given.

In Section one Question 1a

Define the meanings of the frameworks:

1) Subjective Framework how does it affect artworks in general?

2) Explain the Structural Framework and how does it affects artworks in general?

3) Explain the Cultural Framework within artworks in general?

4) Explain the Postmodern Framework within artworks in general?

The questions above allow us to view artworks in a particular way in this case four frames which help us to articulate our responses.

The definitions are:

Week 2 | 2 Periods

Example Pg 2 | 2011

Long Answer Questions:

Students don’t need to study specific artworks in general but have an understanding of articulating artworks within their powers of observation. Some questions will have a personal response from the "frameworks" to write their answers. For example:

What is your personal response to the installation sculpture?

So this question requires a personal interpretation of a subjective answer. This is a personal answer but not a one line sentence. For example:

2008 student response – “I don’t like this artwork because it suxs.”

This response is not concise or articulate, it does not justify the reasoning of their response. Students are taught to respond in an articulate manner which describes why their response is negative.

For example:

2007 student response – “Symrn Gill’s artwork “Road Kill” 1999-2000 allows the audience to be captivated by the hilarious notion of squashed objects recreated to challenge and create a negative comment on society.”

Most questions are personal and are similar. They aim to help the students to articulate and to have the confidence to answer artworks that they have not seen nor studied.

Week 3 | 2 Periods

Example Pg 2 | 2011

Long Answer Questions:

Students don't understand what you are looking for until you scaffold the assessment criteria and take them through the actual learning process. More examples are given to students to cater for their different learning abilities. Build resources for different responses and continue to create a source and a pool of information that allows them to refer too.

Its not reading the questions its comprehending and understanding

Week 4| 2 Periods

Example Pg 3 | 2011

Critical / Historical Study

Students will learn to:

Pull from the source material the information needed to create articulate responses, related to the frameworks relevant to the questions. I need to scaffold this by showing other students responses. Examples of past students works are given to the class to see how they should respond.

Week 5 | 2 Periods

Example Pg 4 | 2011

Critical / Historical Study

Students will learn to:

Use their powers of observation and understand the structural parts of the artwork. How do you teach and use art definitions within a sentence or a paragraph? Write down everything you see on the Tom Roberts painting. Then teach how to structure the sentence to get the best possible answer.

  • Busy men of all ages and boys working in the woolshed

  • Warm, hot sweaty day

  • I see an old man on the left side of the image, could be a "Foremen, Boss"

  • Two boys working, one carrying the wool away and the other sweeping

  • Hard work, routine, order

How is it painted?

Art aspects

A sense of depth


Leading lines

Almost Panoramic

Bright colours but earthy


Foreground, mid ground and background

Dark and light colours
















And More...

Ask the kids how you would use these words to create the right response

Week 6 - 8 | 6 Periods | Exam Week Year 8 - 11

Example Pg 8 | 2011

Students need a break from the theory. The practical part involves students looking at light and dark issues demonstrated by the art teacher. Students will see examples of past students works to get the idea. Using pencil and skill to create the required end product.


Print Making

The printing unit cross over into term 3 but understanding the theory that goes with this. Students will print with lino blocks onto paper and experiment with colour, shape, contrast, repetition and unity through abstraction.


    1. Handout a worksheet to students

  1. Complete 2 A2 pages of drawing from nature. Use line and tone. Use a view finder to isolate an interesting and balanced composition.

  2. Develop design through simplification, stylisation and abstraction. Use a grid to enlarge design if necessary.

  3. Using the steps to making a negative shape pattern Design" handout complete your final image

  4. Choose complimentary colours to colour in the final image. This final design should be about 12cm by 12cm. Correctly and safely carve lino

  5. Set up a printing station

  6. Use correct registration techniques to print key colour over background colour.

  7. Complete a visual diary Art History Appreciation page on a print maker.

  8. Students will learn the history of printing and its historical events based on Maurits Cornelius Escher as the artist model

Example Pg 5 | 2011

Critical / Historical Study

Students will learn to:

Use their powers of observation and understand the structural parts of the artwork. How do you teach and use art definitions within a sentence or a paragraph? Write down everything you see in the artwork and take notice of the description below the artwork. Then teach how to structure the sentence to get the best possible answer.

How is the artwork created? Use what was taught before to stimulate your answers

Art aspects

A sense of depth


Leading lines

Almost Panoramic

Bright colours but earthy


Foreground, mid ground and background

Dark and light colours
















And More...

Ask the kids how you would use these words to create the right response

Week 9 | 2 Periods

Example Pg 6 | 2011

Critical / Historical Study

Students will learn to:

Students will learn the history of printing and its historical events based on Maurits Cornelius Escher as the artist model

Pull from the source material the information needed to create articulate responses, related to the frameworks relevant to the questions. I need to scaffold this by showing other students responses. Examples of past students works are given to the class to see how they should respond.

Students need to respond by clear and concise explanations that identified aspects of the painting from the postmodern framework - What is the postmodern framework?

Students describing the art aspects (perspective, texture, colour, tone, lines, objects etc.) to justify their explanations. Then connecting, relating, forming relationships with features of the artwork related to subjective frame, which makes it more personal whilst integrating their ideas and interpreting meaning from the artwork.


Directed by the teacher working through the worksheets

  1. Develop design through simplification, stylisation and abstraction. Use a grid to enlarge design if necessary.

  2. Using the steps to making a negative shape pattern Design" handout complete your final image

  3. Choose complimentary colours to colour in the final image. This final design should be about 12cm by 12cm. Correctly and safely carve lino

  4. Set up a printing station

  5. Use correct registration techniques to print key colour over background colour.

  6. Complete a visual diary Art History Appreciation page on a print maker.

  7. Students will learn the history of printing and its historical events based on Maurits Cornelius Escher as the artist model

Example Pg 7 | 2011

The students use the definitions but are questioned to asks how does it affect the artwork. Therefore, describing the definitions how its used within an artwork and in this case Andy Goldsworthy artwork.

Example of this: How does the Subjective Frame affects Andy Goldsworthy artwork?

It is your first impressions, feelings, thoughts, intuitive thinking etc, about Andy Goldsworthy artwork. So my first impression is the artwork seems to suggest a complicated frame weaved into each other creating a circle. The circle is placed into the water creating a repetitious mirrored like reflection. And upon reflection this artwork makes feel like that there is a hole in time and space almost creating a doorway through another dimension.

Week 10 | 2 Periods | 2hrs | Exam Week Year 7


Directed by the teacher working through the worksheets "Print Making"

  1. Develop design through simplification, stylisation and abstraction. Use a grid to enlarge design if necessary.

  2. Using the steps to making a negative shape pattern Design" handout complete your final image

  3. Choose complimentary colours to colour in the final image. This final design should be about 12cm by 12cm. Correctly and safely carve lino

  4. Set up a printing station

  5. Use correct registration techniques to print key colour over background colour.

  6. Complete a visual diary Art History Appreciation page on a print maker.

  7. Students will learn the history of printing and its historical events based on Maurits Cornelius Escher as the artist model